slow street ride Slow Streets Slow Ride: New Park & Neat Art SLOW RIDE ALERT! Thursday, March 20! -- NEW PARK, NEAT ART! Meet at 5:30, Roll at 6 @ Dolores Park Bike through GGP, Great Highway, to Clement Street Art Walk via Slow Streets
Wiggle Email Correction (whoops) Our previous email had incorrect email buttons that led to an error page. Our bad! Please use this 1-click link to send an email directly to SFMTA and city officials to demand a slower safer Wiggle. And, most importantly, come to Steiner between Duboce and Waller to enjoy the new
A Slower Safer Wiggle Today, we’re launching a new campaign to make the Wiggle–San Francisco’s premier east/west bike artery–safer for all. If you want to see the city install safe pedestrian and bike infrastructure like it, use this 1 click link to send an email to SFMTA (works best
The Wiggle 👀 The Wiggle is the main east-west bike artery in SF connecting The Mission and SOMA Neighborhoods to The Richmond, Haight-Ashbury and beyond. Everyone who bikes in SF relies on it, and yet with just two exceptions, every part of the Wiggle prioritizes cars over bikes and pedestrians. We have some
slow street ride Reminder: Presidi-SLOW Streets Ride this Sunday Join us for another Slow Streets Slow Ride this Sunday, March 24th! Read on for important details.