November 2024 Safe Street Rebel Voter Guide

Yes on K, Yes on L, No on M, No on F, No on D

Hey party people, with the election rapidly approaching we've decided to share our consensus-based opinions on some of the ballot measures for SF. Here's what we got, in one convenient image:

Yes on K, Yes on L, No on M, No on F, No on D

We also have shareable images for each individual position we're taking. First Yes on K. This one is pretty simple, car free spaces are good and we should have more of them.

YES ON K Car Free Great Highway - Car-free infrastructure saves lives, and everyone loves parks! - Climate friendly: will induce fewer car trips - SSR got started fighting for Ocean Beach Park!

Next, Yes on L. Also pretty simple, we should tax the ridehail companies cannibalizing trips from transit, and use that money to mitigate Muni service cuts.

YES ON L Tax Ridehail for Muni Funding - Places a tax on ridehail (Uber/Lyft/Waymo) to fund Muni operations - Mitigates Muni budget deficit: could save up to 10 bus lines - Reliable transit improves street safety for all

Next, No on M. This complicated business tax reform contains a tax cut for big tech and overpaid CEOs, and even more importantly, it contains a poison pill that could kill Prop L. If both props reach 50%, L needs to get more yes votes than M to go into effect. A No (or Abstain) on M helps L.

NO ON M Tax Cuts for Big Tech Corps - Prop M lowers taxes for tech companies and overpaid CEOs - Prop M contains a poison pill that could kill Prop L - Poison pill only goes one way; Prop M can kill Prop L, but not the other way around - Voting No/Abstain on Prop M helps Prop L. How does the poison pill work? Scenario A: Both L/M >50% yes votes, Prop L gets more yes votes, Both props pass!  Scenario B: Both L/M >50% yes votes, Prop M gets more yes votes, PROP L FAILS!

We're going No on F, consistent with our general belief that police don't solve root issues in society. Giving them more money won't fix anything, and puts other city services at risk given SF's incoming budget deficit. As always, SSR puts the anti-car in anti-carceral.

NO ON F Double Payday for Cops - Cops are not infrastructure - SF Cops already make huge salaries, but don’t keep us safe - City’s budget deficit demands SFPD accountability, not a blank check

Last, but definitely not least, vote No on D. This is a massive consolidation of power into the mayor's hands, and ends independent oversight over SFPD and SFMTA.

NO ON D Mayoral Power Grab - Gives the Mayor sole power to appoint and fire commissioners and department heads - No more independent transit authority - Completely eliminates civilian oversight of SFPD

Please feel free to share any/all of these images. Voter education is crucial on a packed ballot. We've found it heartening seeing how direct action can change the conversation, and then those shifts can be secured at the ballot. Gotta do our duty in November, then we have two years to be in the streets to push the radical anti-car agenda forward.

Note: we haven't done a formal voter guide before, but we have taken positions on ballot measures, such as Yes on Nov 2022 Prop J/L, and No on Mar 2024 Prop E. We avoid taking public stances on elected officials (despite some being much better than others on transportation) because we believe it's the job of citizens to always hold politicians to account. Ballot measures on the other hand are static, they do what the text of the measure says they do.

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Safe Street Rebel (@[email protected])
Attached: 2 images Hey party people, with the election rapidly approaching we’ve decided to share our consensus-based opinions on some of the ballot measures for SF. Here’s what we got: YES on K YES on L NO on M NO on F NO on D

Hey party people, with the election rapidly approaching we've decided to share our consensus-based opinions on some of the ballot measures for SF. Here's what we got: YES on K YES on L NO on M NO on F NO on D

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— Safe Street Rebel ( Sep 8, 2024 at 12:52 PM