Safe Street Rebel Bike and Knock

Safe Street Rebel Bike and Knock
Safe Street Rebel Bike and Knock! Let's Help Prop L (Fund the Bus) Canvas the Sunset! Duboce Park to McCoppin Square, Sunday October 13th. Meet: 1:00pm Roll: 1:30pm

Join us on a slow ride through GGP and the Sunset out to Knock some doors for Prop L- Fund the Bus. Its the time of the year for politics and while we usually don't partake in direct politics but MUNI is is dire need of funding and so it must be done. Many of us have picked up a signature sheet in the past and knocking doors is just another step to helping save MUNI. Their campaign will give you a script and we'll go in partners and it's way less scary than you think. Those of us who have done it know that the reception at doors is super positive and often wholesome.

Come help Fund the Bus on a Slow Ride.

Route for McCoppin Fund the Bus Slow Ride: Start at Duboce Park, ride through wiggle and Fell bike lane, onto JFK through GGP, south along MLK and onto 9th, make our way to 12th Ave slow street, west on Kirkham to south on 20th Ave and then ending at McCoppin Square

Start Location: Duboce Park
Meetup: 1:00 pm
Rollout: 1:30 pm
Ride duration: < 1 hour
Route: Ride With GPS

We'll start at Duboce Park and head up the wiggle to Fell and continue on the panhandle bike lane on Fell. The ride will enter GGP along JFK to then turn left through the Music Concourse Circle where we get on MLK Jr and head into the Sunset on 9th Ave. The ride will make its way to the first (and only?) official slow street, 12th Ave for just two blocks where we'll turn west on Kirkham and then south on 20th while demanding more Slow Streets in the Sunset. Last we'll arrive at McCoppin Square on 22nd Ave and Santiago. The ride is relatively short to keep our energy for helping Prop L do canvasing in the Sunset! But 20th Ave will be a little bit of a hill for a few blocks, but we'll go slow, yo. Because the ride is short there won't be any stops along the way, but we'll hang out at McCoppin Square for a bit before starting canvasing.

The start of the ride is accessible by transit via 22, 24, N, 6, and 37 with a nearby Bay Wheels station on Duboce St. If you want to meet at McCopping directly there's the new L, 66, 48, and 28 MUNI lines. There's also a Bay Wheels station on the south side of McCoppin Square at 22nd Ave and Taravel.

If you have any questions feel free to email or DM us!



  • Water
  • Snacks(and food to share if you would like!)
  • A warm layer if it gets cold
  • Sun protection
  • Rain gear if it might rain

Considering The Weather

We'll ride this event rain or shine. If the forecast is calling for severe weather that we think may lead to unsafe conditions then we'll cancel. We'll try our best to cancel 72 hours in advance based on the forecast but of course we may cancel with shorter notice in the event of unsafe conditions. In the event of rain, please remember:

  • Go slower and remember it will take a further distance to come to a complete stop. You do not have the same braking traction in the rain.
  • Give other riders and road users extra space.
  • Bring rain gear! Riding in the rain can be a lot of fun. Installing fenders on your bike can help as can wearing waterproof footwear, rain pants, rain jacket or rain cape, and even weatherproof gloves and socks!